Wednesday, September 26, 2007


**Breaking n00z** Acs Blade has been fired from teh_L33T_n00b for "being a complete dee-dee-dee". He had what I call "Spartan Rage" (anger that surfaces when playing Halo games, causing you to get tickeded off at anyone/anyone who interupts you or attempts to have a talk with you).

We are now looking for a suitable replacement (hopefully with a better temper). My choice, currently, is my friend Ashley, who may soon being posting as Nabooru.

Hasta La Bye-Bye

~Toby M.


Ii'Lustria Aunermeld said...

hmm... "spartan rage" more like a part-time man-period. Guys go through 'em all the time. ANYWAY I will not take his place but still join the blog. my advice: Videogames bring out the best and the worst of the nicest people. Blade just happen to be on one of his "Grr" moments. I have them too but I am a chick...

Aybs said...

Ow...that's gotta hurt.