First off... the graphics were awsome. The fact that they were gonna get better blew my mind. I personally think that all the maps were fun to play. Valhala, however, was my favorite. I had a strategy for that map that worked pretty well. More on that later. I liked all the weapons, but the spartan laser (Or as me and my XBox friend called it the spartan cannon) was a bit difficult to use. I found that the Assault Rifle and Battle Rifle made an excellent combination. The Carbine and Needler were more more powerfull (Especialy the Needler). The Assault Rifle was definitly better than it's original form in Halo. I think the SMG's were a bit more powerfull than in Halo 2. Now, about those new items... I think they added some much needed strategy to the game (Everyone else has abandoned strategy for a rocket launcher).
That brings me back to my strategy... In Valhala I'd arm myself fairly well, grab the Tripmine, hop on a Mongoose and drive over to the enemy base. Once thier I'd get off the Mongoose and plant the mine under the enemy Warthog so they couldn't use it. If they hopped in the mine would blow, and if they tried to blow it up themselves it would take out the hog. No matter what they did they were strandad. One time I got over there and the hog was missing. I was like , "Huh, it must not have spawned or something". The second I thought that... It came barreling 'round the corner straight for me. "Oh ****!" I quickly drove 'round a rock for cover then hopped off. They come around the rock shortly afterwerds. In desperation I tossed down the mine and ran to the other side of the rock. A few seconds later... nothing. "****! It didn't work! I better get my gun ready." All of the sudden BOOM! "Triple Kill!" It was fun while it lasted. But it was only temporary. I did notice one similarity in the Beta and Halo 2... I kept getting hooked up with bad team mates. The kind that blow up the Warthog YOU were gonna use just so the enemy can't have it. The kind that gets slaughtered even though they have snipers, turrets and the new missle pod. But what are ya gonna do about it? *Sigh*
Thanks for reading. This is The Blade waiting for Halo 3 to come out and signing off. See ya next time.
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