Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wii Come In Piice

Sorry for not posting in...ever, but I'm back with my review of the Nintendo Wii.

Now, I got the Wii, maybe a month ago. It came with one game, WiiSports,  and one Wii remote, or "Wiimote". The first game we played was Bowling, and we had an incredible amount of fun. My grandparents and I quickly decided it was our favourite game on the system. Then we attempted Golf; much, much much harder, but was still sort of fun.

A couple of days later, my Grandmother went to GameStop and bought a new game, WiiPlay, that came with a free Wiimote and she also bought a second Nunchuck. WiiPlay was not as FUN as WiiSports, but some of the games were entertaining. Games included a shooting gallery (throwback to Duck Hunt on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), an update of Atari's "Tank", a sort of Neon Pong game, a Fishing simulation, and a game where you raced cows and maneuvered obstacles by jumping over them and hitting scarecrows for points. Plus, when you clicked on the Miis in the main menu, they moved depending on where you clicked. Clicking their face caused them to shake their heads, and clicking their arm made them wave to you. I'll let you find the rest on your own.

My grandmother is going to the local Hollywood Video store to rent some new games for consideration. If we like them, we'll by them from GameStop. If not, well, them's the breaks!


Wii Console: 9 out of 10. (Excellent!)
Pros: Unique controller, ability to play GameCube games without buying adapter, exellent graphics, better Internet support than previous Nintendo consoles.
Cons: Trouble controlling the Wiimote at times; not all games are good. We've only played 2 out of 5 from the Wii-Series.

Publisher: Nintendo
Score: 9.5/10
Pros: Fun games, great for parties or just hanging out with friends, great use of the Mii system, and good use of the Wiimote.
Cons: Some games are hard to control with the Wiimote, like putting in Golf (seems too sensitive)

Publisher: Nintendo
Score: 8.5/10
Pros: Great graphics, fun games, great Easter Eggs.
Cons: Complicated controls on some games,

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

My parachute is stuck.

So now it's time to review Medal of Honor: Airborne.

Let's start with campaign... The campaign is pretty good. A wide array of combat situations. And it's pretty fun. Although the second to last level is just frustrating seeing as how there's about 50 snipers in rather obscure and hard to find places. And I'm not quite sure if the campaign is historicly accurate anymore. I don't seem to remember the nazis having a giant tower made of concrete and an elite branch of storm troopers that wore gas masks and carried around MMGs. Oh well. It's still a rather fun campaign.

Now onto the AI... Your friendly AI are just as useless as ever. I mean I know that not every soldier on the field can make smart decisions under pressure, but they can't be THIS stupid. I can't tell you how many times I've had a guy run in front of my gun as I'm firing and yell at me for it. The only time I ver see them get a kill is when they steal one from me. Seriously, the one and only use they have is being the occasional distraction when a tank rolls in. The enemy AI also realize how stupid your alies are and will, on the most part, shoot you alone.

Now about the weapons... There is one of every weapon on each side of the war. An SMG, an automatic rifle, a rifle, a sniper, and a rocket launcher. Pistols too but you can only use the German pistol when you play on the Axis side in multiplayer. The only weapon that isn't on both sides is the shotgun which of course belongs to the Americans. There are also three types of grenade: frag, stick and some other grenade with a name that I don't remember that's used for tanks. You must upgrade each and every one of these weapons three levels. But don't fret, you can upgrade at least one all the way in a mission if you use it enough. You just don't get a hold of rockets and tank grenades except for certain levels. For all the other weapons you pick it up and you then have access to it at the start of every mission from then on. All the weapons are pretty fun but I've got to admit, the campaign becomes almost insultingly easy once you get your hands on the shotgun. That thing obliterates just about everything. Everything except the gas masks. The first one I encountered (on easy difficulty mind you) took eight shells to the face at close range before he went down.

Best played without other people... I didn't think I'd like the multiplayer in the least. But it's actually pretty fun. I thought it would be duck, shoot, duck, shoot. But it's pretty lively. I just think it's unblanced. The odds just seemed to be stacked really high against the Germans. Most, if not all, of the American weapons are over powering to thier German counter parts. Not only that but the Americans parachute into the match just like in the campaign and can land just about any where (including next to the German spawn area) with a sniper or a rocket launcher and force the Germans to go down an extremely frustrating highway known as Spawnkill Junction. And THAT is not what we like to call fun. And some guy on XBox Live had the nerve to say that all is fair in love and war... Ok, 1: if that was love I'd hate to see war. And 2: last I checked this wasn't war, it was the multiplayer function of a video game. And I thought multiplayer was suppoesed to have both sides with an equal chance to win, leaving the challenge based on skill. And it takes zero skill to spawn kill.

Thanks for reading. This is the Blade, signing off.