Now, I got the Wii, maybe a month ago. It came with one game, WiiSports, and one Wii remote, or "Wiimote". The first game we played was Bowling, and we had an incredible amount of fun. My grandparents and I quickly decided it was our favourite game on the system. Then we attempted Golf; much, much much harder, but was still sort of fun.
A couple of days later, my Grandmother went to GameStop and bought a new game, WiiPlay, that came with a free Wiimote and she also bought a second Nunchuck. WiiPlay was not as FUN as WiiSports, but some of the games were entertaining. Games included a shooting gallery (throwback to Duck Hunt on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), an update of Atari's "Tank", a sort of Neon Pong game, a Fishing simulation, and a game where you raced cows and maneuvered obstacles by jumping over them and hitting scarecrows for points. Plus, when you clicked on the Miis in the main menu, they moved depending on where you clicked. Clicking their face caused them to shake their heads, and clicking their arm made them wave to you. I'll let you find the rest on your own.
My grandmother is going to the local Hollywood Video store to rent some new games for consideration. If we like them, we'll by them from GameStop. If not, well, them's the breaks!
Wii Console: 9 out of 10. (Excellent!)
Pros: Unique controller, ability to play GameCube games without buying adapter, exellent graphics, better Internet support than previous Nintendo consoles.
Cons: Trouble controlling the Wiimote at times; not all games are good. We've only played 2 out of 5 from the Wii-Series.
Publisher: Nintendo
Score: 9.5/10
Pros: Fun games, great for parties or just hanging out with friends, great use of the Mii system, and good use of the Wiimote.
Cons: Some games are hard to control with the Wiimote, like putting in Golf (seems too sensitive)
Publisher: Nintendo
Score: 8.5/10
Pros: Great graphics, fun games, great Easter Eggs.
Cons: Complicated controls on some games,
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