Saturday, October 27, 2007

Teh tag of teh l33t

Hey. This is The Blade here. Toby has informed me that some people have been requesting my XBox Live Gamertag. Well, here ya go. My XBox Live gamertag is as follows: ACS Blaid. Got it? Good.

There ya have it, my XBox Live gamertag. This is The Blade, signing off.
And remember, there's always room on my friends list.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


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Monday, October 22, 2007

About Time

Hey party peoples, I'm back! Did ya miss me?... Yeah I didn't think so... Anyways... Guess what I finally got around to doing? That's right! My Halo 3 review is here. Fairly worned, HUGE spoilers ahead. Do NOT read if you haven't played or beaten the game yet. Sorry it took me so long to do this. I wanted to get the full Halo 3 experience. What I mean by this is that some of the best features aren't working what so ever. I can not view my saved films, bring up my forged maps, play custom games that I make or download any of the above. I don't know what the problem is. But for some reason whenever I try there is this thing where the countdown is supposed to be that says that I am restricted from using player-created content. Sucks, doesn't it? $60 for the most anticipated game EVER and I'm stuck playing a watered down version. I could watch films in the Beta version. What's the deal? Is it the system? The disk? My XBox live gold acount? If anybody can help me I'd REALLY apreciate it. I've sent an E-mail to Bungie, but I can imagine there pretty tied up with E-mails right now.

Now then, on with the review. Let's start with the campaign. Now, I've heard a lot of complaints about the campaign. Lots of moaning and groaning that it's too short and there's too much back-tracking... So what? It's still really fun to play over and over agian. Plus if you do something that's just so awsome and will probably never happen agian you can watch it in saved films. You can even take a snapshot and put it in your file share to show off to your friends. And if you ask me I think the back-tracking adds a touch of realism to it. And it's not like you go back through with the same enimies with the same vehicles and the same weapons atacking you in the same spot. No. It's very different when you go back through. Now about the difficulties... Easy: WAY too easy. The only reason you want to bother with this dificulty is because it's how you get the ODST helmet for the spartans (more on helmets and armor later). Normal: Tougher than Easy but you should still have few problems. Beat it and you get the EVA armor for the spartans. I don't care what anybody says abou the helmet, I think it looks good. Heroic: Pretty tough. You might just want to go through on Normal and Easy just so you can use a little strategy in most situations. Beat it and you get the Flight armor for the elites. Legendary: O.M.G... This is just about IMPOSSIBLE! It takes like 30 tries just to get passed any given part. Either use some strategy or you fail miserably every single time. Beat it and you get the EOD armor for the spartans. There are 13 skulls hidden throughout the levels. They can be turned on in the campaign to make it tougher and more of a challenge. Also if you get them all you get the Hayabusa armor for the spartans. If you have no clue where to look, relax. Go to Youtube. Tutorials can be found there. How do you think I found them? Also hidden throughout the levels are 6 terminals that, when accessed in th right way, will get you the Marathon Man achivements. Tutorials on them can be found as well.

On to Multiplayer. It's just as fun as ever. However now we have some new toys to play with. The new weapons, equipment and vehicles are very fun. Also, the Magnum is a very decent weapon in my opinion. I've managed to kill men armed with Assault and Battle Rifles with it. Dual Magnums or and SMG on the side can be very deadly in the right hands. Plus since pretty much nobody usese it I get it all to my self most of the time. Kind of like the Hammerburst from Gears of War. I love all the new maps. But my favorites are definitly Sandtrap and Valhala. I just wish I could use my old strategy in Valhala. You know. The one I mentioned in my review of the Beta. Anyways, the game types are pretty fun. Although I hate one-sided VIP. It takes only 3 minutes because the VIP doesn't have an overshield and it's ALWAYS a tie unless one of the teams is lowsy. Not a huge fan of Shotty Snipers either. But I won't vetoe it. Every now and then I have some fun in it. Know what game I really want to play? Infection. I haven't gotten to play a single game of Infection yet. I don't know which category it's under. If some one could tell me that too I'd apreciate it as well. One more thing, Ninja ball is THE best kind of Odd ball game. Now I'm sure you all know by now that you can customize your spartan or elite by both color and armor variations. Even though the elites look nicer than ever I still have a spartan. And I change him around every now then. I don't use the Hayabusa helmet (I don't like my spartan looking like power ranger) or the EOD helmet (I just don't think it looks that good). I enjoy making different spartans. I think it's fun. Also, Bungie can keep thier Recon armor and thier Flaming Hayabusa helmet. I don't really want either of them. And just so you know, they aren't going to give it to you. So stop putting up screen shots of messages written in weapons begging them.

As awsome as Halo 3 is it's missing certain things. No, not guns on the Mongoose. That's what the passenger seat is for, stop complaining. I personally would like to set up some AI's in a multiplayer level. You know, a bot match. That way you could do some training or just go on a slaughter fest. Also I think the Pelican and Phantom would be awsome for Big Team Battle. Dual Energy Swords just because it would look cool. And something I would personally love, being able to pick up a Jackel Shield when you have a dual-wieldable weapon.

By the way, Master Chief does not die. Some people think he does, but he doesn't. After the credits you see inside of the half of the ship with the Chief and Cortana in it. He gets in a cryo-tube and she disapears into the system to send out a distress signal. Also, if you beat it on Legendary the ending is an extreme cliff hanger. You see the half of the ship floating towards something. All of the sudden a star can be seen of the horizon of this strange sphere. You can clearly see it now. It is a planet. A planet that appears to coverd in machinery of some kind. The music gets really dramatic. Could this be leading to yet another sequel???

Well, thanks for reading. Now if you'll excuse me I'ma go get some rank. This is The Blade signing off.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Bungie = Indie

Thanks to Undead Ed from The3Eds for this news:

KIRKLAND, Wash. — Oct. 5, 2007 — Bungie and Microsoft Corp. today announced a plan for Bungie Studios, the developers of Microsoft’s “Halo” franchise, to become a privately held independent company, Bungie, LLC, in which Microsoft will hold a minority equity interest. As part of this transaction, Bungie and Microsoft have forged a deep and long-term development and publishing relationship focused on the continued success of the “Halo” franchise. It is also the intent of both parties to expand their partnership to include new IP created and owned by Bungie.

Bungie’s critically acclaimed Xbox 360® exclusive “Halo 3” achieved $300 million in global sales in its first week. Released on Tuesday, Sept. 25, “Halo 3” is the fastest-selling video game ever and already one of the most successful entertainment properties in history.

“This exciting evolution of our relationship with Microsoft will enable us to expand both creatively and organizationally in our mission to create world-class games,” said Harold Ryan, studio head for Bungie. “We will continue to develop with our primary focus on Microsoft’s platforms; we greatly value our mutually prosperous relationship with our publisher, Microsoft Game Studios, and we look forward to continuing that affiliation through ‘Halo’ and beyond.”

“Working with Microsoft was great for us, it allowed us to grow as a team and make the ambitious, blockbuster games we all wanted to work on. And they will continue to be a great partner. But Bungie is like a shark. We have to keep moving to survive. We have to continually test ourselves, or we might as well be dolphins. Or manatees,” said Jason Jones, Bungie founder and partner.

Bungie’s management retained the services of Don Leeds, senior managing director of B-Hive Global, LLC, to assist in the structuring of the deal and negotiating on their behalf. Bungie will remain in Kirkland, Washington, and is always looking to hire excellent talent.

About Bungie

Bungie was founded in 1991 with two goals: to develop games that combine brilliant technology, beautiful art, intelligent stories and deep gameplay, and to sell enough of those games to achieve its real goal of total world domination. Over the past 10 years it has produced games such as the “Marathon” trilogy and the first two “Myth” games, hailed as classics by critics and gamers around the world. Bungie’s “Halo” franchise is an international award-winning action title that has grown into a global entertainment phenomenon, selling more than 18 million units worldwide, logging billions of hours of multiplayer action on Xbox LIVE®, and spawning action figures, books, graphic novels, soundtracks, apparel and more. The critically acclaimed “Halo 3”, released on Tuesday, Sept. 25th 2007, is the fastest-selling video game ever, achieving $300 million in global sales its first week, making it one of the most successful entertainment properties in history. More information on Bungie can be found at